Activity challenges diary
Evaluate activities and how they helped to reach a goal
With the help of this diary, people can evaluate their planned activities and reflect on how the activity helped them to achieve their goals.
Contact MinddistrictWhat is the content of this diary?
In this diary, clients can evaluate the activities that they planned by reflecting on their SMART goals (specific, measurable, achieveable, relevant, timely) and the level of pleasure or achievement that they felt whilst undertaking the activity. There is also the option of uploading an image of the activity and describing other aspects that were important to them.
How can you use this diary?
This diary can be used by people who benefit from reflecting on their planned activities and their goals.
Mobile first
This diary is perfect to use in the Minddistrict mobile app. It can however also be used on other devices and on the web platform. Care providers can configure the amount of notifications for this diary.
Get in touch with us!
Are you interested in using this intervention in your work as a care provider? Or do you want more information? Please get in touch with your account manager or contact us.