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Moments diary

Keep track of meaningful moments

Positive, difficult, funny, sad, proud, unexpected or happy moments. By keeping track of these moments using this diary, you can always look back on what you have experienced. It is also possible to upload a photo or image with every captured moment.

Contact Minddistrict

In short

  • Adults
  • Diary
  • Suitable for the app

How can you use this diary?

This is a generic diary. It can be used by all people who can benefit from capturing moments and looking back at their experiences.

Mobile first

This moments diary is perfect to use in the Minddistrict mobile app. It can however also be used on other devices and on the web platform. Care providers can configure the amount of notifications for this diary.

Get in touch with us!

Are you interested in using this intervention in your work as a care provider? Or do you want more information? Please get in touch with your account manager or contact us.