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Living mindfully

Offer your clients online mindfulness training

Clients can use mindfulness to develop a basic mindfulness attitude focused on being attentive to all experiences.

Contact Minddistrict

In short

  • Adults
  • Module
  • Suitable for the app

Who is this module for?

The module is suitable for adults who experience excessive worrying, stress, and physical complaints. It is commonly used in cases of depression and (unexplained) somatic complaints and can also be combined with other modules. The goal of the module is to develop knowledge and skills to live more mindfully.

'Mindfulness' diary

The ‘Mindfulness’ diary is automatically activated as the client works through the module. This diary allows clients to reflect on their mindfulness sessions. What did they notice? Did they learn something they can apply next time? The diary can be completed at any time via the app or on a laptop or computer.

What is the module based on?

The module ‘Living Mindfully’ was developed by Minddistrict. The content of the module was created through an extensive development process. It is based on relevant literature, such as the MBSR program as developed by J. Kabat-Zinn (1990) and the MBCT program as developed by Segal, Williams and Teasdale (2002). The knowledge and experiences of therapists and experience experts have also been included while developing this module. Would you like to learn more about the development process of this module? If so, contact the person responsible for eHealth within your organisation.

How do you use the module?

The module consists of 9 chapters, 11 milestones, and 7 submission moments. Additionally, the ‘Mindfulness’ diary is automatically made available while working through the module. The module can be used in various settings, including the POH-GGZ, primary mental healthcare (basis GGZ), or specialised mental healthcare (SGGZ), with or without feedback from a professional. If you choose to use the module without guidance, the submission moments act as moments to reflect.

By working on certain topics online, more time is available for in depth conversations during face-to-face sessions. The module is specifically designed for use on mobile devices but can also be accessed on a (desktop) computer.

Development of the module

  • The intervention mapping method was used during the development process. If you would like to learn more about this, read the intervention mapping whitepaper.

  • This module does not qualify as a medical device under the Medical Devices Act.

Get in touch with us!

Are you interested in using this intervention in your work as a care provider? Or do you want more information? Please get in touch with your account manager or contact us.