Dealing with panic
Help your client manage anxiety and panic
Module for adults who want to overcome their panic. Based on exposure and cognitive therapy.
Contact MinddistrictWorking on symptoms of panic
The goal of the module is to help clients manage their panic symptoms. It covers topics such as understanding anxious thoughts and the role of avoidance. A key component of the module is developing a step-by-step exposure plan to challenge and reduce anxiety. In each session, the client receives information, reviews exercises from example clients, and works on various exercises. The module also helps clients develop skills to manage anxious thoughts and panic in the future.
For people with symptoms of panic disorder
Therapists can use this module for adults experiencing panic symptoms. It can be used within basic and specialised mental health care.
Structure of ‘Dealing with panic’
- Psychoeducation and motivation
- Panic and substance misuse
- Introceptive exercises
- Automatic thoughts and behavioural experiments
- Safety-seeking, avoidance behaviours and exposure
- Social support
- Coping
- Self-management and relapse prevention
What is the module based on?
The module ‘Dealing with panic’ was developed by Joost Rouw & Renske Gommer, Intervention Developers at Minddistrict. The content of the module was created through an extensive development process and is based on relevant literature as well as the knowledge and experience of therapists and clients. If you want to learn more about the development process of this module, please contact your ehealth project leader.
Get in touch with us!
Are you interested in using this intervention in your work as a care provider? Or do you want more information? Please get in touch with your account manager or contact us.