Youth: Dealing with your emotions
We all have a range of feelings and emotions. But how do you express what you're feeling? And how do you deal with overwhelming emotions? Are you ready to take a look at your own feelings?
Contact MinddistrictWho is this module for?
The module is intented for youth between 12 and 18 years old who have difficulty expressing their emotions.
What’s the content of this module?
The young person receives psycho-education, can watch videos by experts and pear leaders and can start working on exercises. There are exercises aimed at investigating your own emotions and the corresponding reaction and coming up with a more helpful reaction. With the diary 'Emotion' young people can keep track of their own emotions.
How can this module be used?
This module is ‘mobile first’ and can be completed entirely in the app or on a desktop. The module can be used by general basic mental health care practitioners and assistant practitioners, either with or without feedback from an aid worker. If you choose to use the module without additional guidance, the submission moments will automatically serve as moments for reflection. Dealing with certain issues online will offer more time for in-depth discussion during face-to-face sessions.
Get in touch with us!
Are you interested in using this intervention in your work as a care provider? Or do you want more information? Please get in touch with your account manager or contact us.