Dealing with your depression
Cognitive behavioural therapy for depression
Support the treatment of depression with this online module. Since people with depressive symptoms often have little energy, the pages are short and to the point.
Contact MinddistrictWho is this module for?
The module ‘Dealing with your depression’ has been developed for adults with depressive complaints who are following cognitive behavioural therapy.The module can be used by therapists in general and specialised mental health care as part of blended treatment. The goal is to reduce depressive symptoms.
What is the content of the module?
This module aims to reduce depressive symptoms by focusing on behavioural activation and cognitive therapy. It complements CBT treatment by addressing topics such as psycho-education, goal setting, behaviour tracking, activation, structuring, awareness of thinking patterns and unhelpful thoughts, challenging thoughts, and relapse prevention.
To accommodate potential concentration difficulties in the target group, the content is presented in a clear and accessible way. This includes concise pages with brief texts or videos, such as animations, therapist videos, and videos from experience experts. Exercises are designed to be easily completed using checkboxes.
Diaries included in the depression module
Throughout the module, clients are provided with the following diaries:
- The ‘Get active’ diary, for tracking activities and associated moods.
- The ‘Challenge your thoughts’ diary, for practicing challenging thoughts.
The diaries are automatically activated throughout the module. Clients receive reminders to fill in the diaries during a set period (e.g., one month). As a therapist, you can adjust, turn off, or extend the reminders. In the dashboard, you can easily track clients’ progress in the graph.
What is the module based on?
The module was developed by Ida van Berkum and Emma Ruigt from Minddistrict, collaborating with GZ psychologist Bart Meuleman. GZ psychologist in training, Dirk
Bertens, psychotherapist Frank Don, and GZ psychologist in training, Sophia Meevis from Pro Persona and experience experts. The content of the module was created through an extensive development process and is based on both relevant literature and the knowledge and experience of therapists and clients.
How do you use this module about depression?
The module can be used within both primary (basis GGZ) and specialised mental healthcare (specialistische GGZ), with or without feedback from a therapist. If you choose to use the module without guidance, the submission moments will automatically become reflection moments. The programme is designed as a blended treatment, where online components can be alternated with face-to-face and/or video sessions. It is also possible to enable or disable specific chapters in the module.
The module has been specifically developed for use on mobile phones via the Minddistrict app but can also be used on a (desktop) computer.
In short:
- For adults
- Made for POH GGZ, primary mental health care (basis GGZ), specialised mental health care (SGGZ) and hospitals
- Available on mobile phone
Get in touch with us!
Are you interested in using this intervention in your work as a care provider? Or do you want more information? Please get in touch with your account manager or contact us.