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Panic moments diary

An online diary to give insight into panic attacks

An online diary to give insight into panic attacks

Contact Minddistrict

In short

  • Adults
  • Diary
  • Suitable for the app

For whom is this diary suitable for?

This diary is for adults who suffer from panic attacks and want to understand better how they respond to them, and what changes they may be able to make.

How can you use this diary?

In this diary people can keep track of when they had a panic attack, what they felt during the panic attack, what thoughts they had and how they responded to the panic attack. This way they can gain insight in what thoughts and responses they might need to change.

The diary can be combined with the module ‘Dealing with panic’.

Mobile first

This Panic moments diary is perfect to use in the Minddistrict mobile app. It can however also be used on other devices and on the web platform. Care providers can configure the amount of notifications for this diary.

Get in touch with us!

Are you interested in using this intervention in your work as a care provider? Or do you want more information? Please get in touch with your account manager or contact us.