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Sleep Better

Cognitive behavioural techniques to help deal with insomnia

People who experience problems with their sleep are often reluctant to seek help. Many of them feel they have to solve problems themselves. But using CBT and improving sleep hygiene can help your clients to improve their sleep.

Contact Minddistrict

In short

  • Adults
  • Module, self-help
  • Suitable for the app

For whom is this module created?

'Sleep better' is aimed at adults with sleep problems and can be used by healthcare professionals together with their patients. The aim of the module is to provide cognitive, behavioural and relaxation techniques, to counter sleep problems.

What is the content of the module?

Used by social workers in the care they provide, this module focuses on reducing sleep problems. Psycho-education, videos from care providers and experience experts and identifying one's own sleep problems are part of this.

Furthermore, the modules consists of exercises aimed at improving sleeping habits and dealing with unhelpful thoughts. The thought distancing technique and thought challenging technique are part of this.

People can also listen to audio files to practice relaxation. There are both breathing and muscle relaxation exercises. By the end of the module, the patient will have developed practical skills to tackle sleep problems.

Addressing reluctance

Research shows that ehealth works for reducing sleep problems, but that people with sleep problems are often reluctant to seek online help. For instance, they believe that the sleep problem will just go away on its own or that they should be able to tackle it themselves (57%). Some believe that (online) treatment does not work for sleep problems (31%) and others don't seek help becaues of stigma (17%). The experience experts - people who have been in the situation themselves and have overcome sleep problems - confirm this: they often see their various attempts to sleep better as proof that they're incapable of change.

That's why this modules addresses reluctance. Dysfunctional thoughts - 'these exercises probably won't help me either' - that hinder motivation for change are addressed. Attention is paid to one's own vicious circle and earlier attempts at tackling the sleep problem. In addition, the module works on recognition and acknowledgement of the complaints, and sleep problems are normalised as much as possible.

What is the module based on?

'Sleep Better' has been developed by Minddistrict. The content of the module was created through an extensive development process and is based on both the relevant literature and the knowledge and experience of counsellors and experience experts.

How do you use the module?

This module consists of 5 chapters and 9 milestones. The 'sleep' diary is automatically triggered during this module.

Professionals can add this module to their patient's accounts. They can follow the module in the Minddistrict app, which makes it mobile friendly to use.

This module was developed for guided use, with the opportunity to review the patient's exercises and provide feedback and guidance at 5 scheduled moments in the module. However, patient and professional can also choose to switch off feedback moments and use this as an unguided module, or self-help.

Get in touch with us!

Are you interested in using this intervention in your work as a care provider? Or do you want more information? Please get in touch with your account manager or contact us.