A platform that works for your organisation

How does Minddistrict work for your organisation?
You can set up Minddistrict exactly in the way that suits you and your patients best, we're flexible that way. Use the platform for easy and data secure communication. Or choose a validated intervention from the extensive module catalogue and tailor it to your treatment plan.
But we don’t just support patients and professionals on the journey to recovery. Our digital health platform is the partner for bringing your organisation’s vision on digital health care to life.
A mobile app for your patients
The content within Minddistrict is accessible to your patients through a mobile app. The app can be used by your patients independently and from any location. Psychoeducation, a self-help catalogue as well as interventions and diaries activated by the professionals can support individualised treatment plans.

Organistions that use our platform
Minddistrict is active in several European countries, in a wide array of healthcare organisations. Our first customers were mental health organisations. Now, our platform supports patients and professionals from prehabilitation to rehabilitation; from preventive care to medical psychology and psycho-somatic care. All offering digitally accessible healthcare.
Tools for organisations
Create your own interventions in the CMS
Your professionals can use any of the content from our catalogue. But what if you want content for your specific patient group, or to match your treatment philosophy? You can create or adjust content yourself in our Content Management System (CMS), to fit the needs of your organisation.
Gain insights through data dashboards
What is the impact digital health is making on your patients, professionals and organisation? What do you need to steer on? Where is more implementation needed? The data dashboards give you insight and answers these and more questions.
The benefits of partners
Nobody can do everything by themselves. That’s why we have selected strong and reliable partners in digital healthcare to cooperate with. This way, we can focus our resources, and your organisation can profit from the skills of our partners.

Evie is our strategic partner with a specific proposition for network care and regional cooperation.
Radboudumc is an interventionpartner. Together, we develop, research and distribute new interventions to other healthcare organisations.
Integrate ehealth in all your systems
One of the conditions for succesful use of digital health in your organisation lies here: sound integrations in your systems. It’s what will help adoption by professionals. And ultimately, your patients will benefit.
That’s why we are open to integrations, to let Minddistrict fit into your organisation’s ICT architechture. Get in touch with our integrations experts if you have any questions.
Some examples of integrations we support:

Want to see it for yourself?
Do you want to know more? Or do you want to have a look the CMS or data dashboards? Get in touch with one of our colleagues.