Our vision on behavioural change
Behavioural change is what Minddistrict is all about. We have been dedicated to helping people change their behaviour, emotions and thoughts for more than 15 years. And we are convinced that digital tools can significantly support behavioural change, if they are created the right way.
Let us show you how our vision and expertise shape our product.

Why use ehealth to support behavioural change?
Changing the way you think and behave helps people to feel better or to actually get better. Whether that change has to do with work-life balance, managing diabetes or tackling anxiety.
Changing behaviour is difficult. A lot of our behaviour comes from habits we’ve had for years. Most people will need some help to break these patterns, for example from behavioural change techniques. By offering these techniques online, help is always available, wherever you are. Even at difficult times, when a care provider or therapist is far away.
What people need really varies a lot. It is precisely this diversity that you, as a care provider, can support well with ehealth.
Lotte van der Maas, Team lead intervention developmentOnline behavioural change at Minddistrict
Minddistrict helps to promote behavioural change using a combination of expertise and techniques, including:
Personalisation: towards a truly personalised route to recovery
We believe that the best treatment is a personalised treatment. That's why we are working towards validated routes to recovery for every individual. A tailored approach, founded on technique and research, where both patient and professional are empowered to make informed choices.

Want to know more about our vision on behavioural change?
Let us show you some examples and answer your questions.