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Many children and young people struggle to deal with their emotions and can find it hard to get the right help they need. As the most tech-savvy age group, it should be an obvious choice to engage young people by offering them treatment that can take place using technology.

Digitally supporting young people

Online healthcare options aren’t necessarily essential for all young people. But, with the use of online modules, diaries and messaging, there are many advantages to engage the younger generation with digital tools, as well as their parents.

As a therapy provider or healthcare service, you can offer Minddistrict's online modules to young people in different care pathways, whether they need fully guided support at each step, or unguided self-help that they can complete in their own time.

Online interventions for young people

The Minddistrict catalogue includes online interventions developed specifically for young people for different issues that they may face. These include modules on depression, social anxiety, dealing with emotions and coping with grief. See all of our content aimed at young people.

We also have an evidence-based, rumination-focused intervention called MindReSolve, created and successfully tested by the University of Exeter. Read more about MindResolve.

Support for parents

A young person and their complaints and problems do not stand alone - there is often a parent, guardian or carer involved who might be affected by a child’s problems. For that reason, with Minddistrict a parent can be involved in the child’s care - whether that’s by being able to participate in video calls or instant messaging conversations with their child’s therapist, or by working through their own online modules aimed at helping them as well as their child in the recovery process.

Could these modules help your clients?

If you'd like to hear more about these modules or think your service and the young people you work with could benefit from them, please get in touch with any questions. We'd be delighted to give you a demonstration of the Minddistrict platform, so that you can see the modules for yourself.